Thursday, August 11, 2005

UPDATE on yesterday's Monsignor Clark story: he resigned from his post today! (You might notice I spell Monsignor differently than my ACAB colleague's phonetic "Monsenior", but I'm not gonna act high and mighty, I didn't know what a Monsignor was two days ago, and I wouldn't know how to spell it correctly if they hadn't shown the word onscreen during today's show). The SHOCKING announcement STUNNED Catholics nationwide, but A Current Affair failed to find anyone in the 3 block radius surrounding their office where they conduct man-on-the-street interviews who registered any real outrage.

ANOTHER cruise ship story today, A CRIME AT SEA. A girl who got raped on a cruise ship 6 years ago, and decided to tell her story to ACA after hearing about George Smith, the guy from Tuesday’s show who left nothing behind but a bunch of bloodstains. Host Tim Green says "April," (her name was April, btw) "be strong, be well, we wish you the best."

Also, a lady who "grew up" at the Playboy Mansion and whose father was a good friend of Hef’s, and wrote a book about it. After the segment, host Tim Green kind of flinches for a second and then says "...sad...we’ll be back with more in a moment."

The teaser for tomorrow's show looks like they're filling out the rest of the week with some CAUGHT ON TAPE stock footage of bridges collapsing and car chases and stuff. I'm glad we already decided not to cover Fridays here at ACAB, it looks like ACA likes to phone it in when they're getting ready for the weekend.


At 5:53 PM, Blogger Al said...

I forgot to mention re: the cruise ship story, the mother seemed weirdly happy when describing how her daughter's behavior changed after she was raped, she was talking in the same way as if she was just describing how good her daughter was in the school play or something.


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